A downloadable pygame

It is my first 2d Python game built with pygame module which provides a very basic and interesting  game logic in it.In this game ,player gives the key input values wheather to move the plane either right or left direction of runway in order to prevent from the enemy/opponent plane .If it touches /collides with the enemy plane then the game get over .In order to win the Game then Play around in order to compete and escape the enemy plane.

Github: https://github.com/degamie/https-degamie.itch.io-f1-warriors

Note--It's in work in development for upcoming mobile game app also with other updates.


plane.png 130 kB
plane_2.png 135 kB
plane_2.ico 112 kB
f1_warriors.zip 15 MB
f1_warriors_1.0.1.exe 26 MB

Install instructions

1.install all the file including the setup .exe file  ,.png ,.ico file in your downloads folder

2. Extract the f1_warriors_1.0.1_oct.zip file in your download folder.

3.open f1_warriors.exe

 4. run it 

5.play and enjoy the game 

Development log

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